When I was starting my career, I needed a mentor.
When I was getting divorced, I needed a therapist.
When I was making important decisions about transitioning into consulting, and what kind of stepmother I wanted to become, I needed a coach. What’s the difference? I’m so glad you asked.
Participating in the AFP Toronto Chapter mentorship program at the beginning of my career was an extraordinary experience. New to the profession, I didn’t really know what I was doing and the demands were super high. Having a monthly meeting, with someone more senior than me from outside my organization was comforting and transformative. In those meetings, I could admit what I didn’t know, get advice and learn about helpful resources.
Mentorship can give you the exact boost you need at exactly the right time.
The intense feelings of rejection, loss and grief of a failed marriage coupled with the “perfect family” blowing up were crippling. The situation spiralled me into a clinical depression that needed medication and intensive emotional support. The treatment was lifesaving and I got through it.
I am a strong, resilient, smart, beautiful, compassionate woman, who some people think is quite funny. Yes, I actually do believe all that now. I'm remarried and incredibly happy. Yay ME! Yay Therapy!
If you need that kind of help please get it. It can literally save your life. The world needs you!
Being a stepmother is totally different that being a mother. The emotions were intense, I was feeling conflicted and needed to have someone help me understand the complexities of my situation and talk through them. Hiring a Stepmom Coach when I was figuring out how to frame my relationship with my six new stepchildren was incredibly helpful. My coach Jenna offered suggestions for navigating through my new life and then held me accountable for the boundaries and actions that I developed.
Hiring a coach was extremely helpful in supporting me to create a reality that put my needs in parallel with my new family’s needs.
Hiring an athletic coach has been equally transformative. One year ago could hardly move -other than walking the dog and being queen of the corkscrew. Now Jordan has me doing box jumps, planks, burpees and deadlifting 120lbs without peeing myself! (TMI I know but its a REAL thing!) If it wasn't for my wine and cheese fondness I'd look different, but I AM so much stronger now and I'm grateful for that.
Helping my clients
A big part of my consulting practice over the past six years has been providing Executive Coaching with my clients. Helping clients figure out how to navigate challenges in their organizations is a normal part of consultancy.
Over the past seven years as a charity consultant, I have helped people prepare for and confidently have difficult conversations. Whether it’s with their staff, boss board of directors or wherever they are stuck, together we figure out a plan forward.
I’ve had loads of conversations with clients about many things:
Whether they should just quit their jobs or stick it out?
If they choose to stay, what is plan for improving the situation?
How should priorities be made given how hectic things are?
Do staff need to be fired or mentored?
How to confront a boss or set boundaries with a board?
At the end of these phone calls with my clients they frequently say things like: “I feel so much better now.” or “Right, I know what I’ve got to do.”
These are the most rewarding conversations for me. Usually I am getting paid for tactical work and the coaching was a bonus for the client. Today, we are putting coaching at the forefront.
At, The Intersection our work is more focussed on the cultural shifts that need to be made for yourself and your organization. Together we can create the change you are seeking.
Whether you are a consultant, charity executive or currently between gigs, hiring me as your coach is a great option if you want to start unravelling all that messiness of work and life and take control again.
I can help you find more balance.
I can help you take your power back.
So how about we start with a conversation and see if it is a good fit? Then we can chat about how to work together to help you get the traction you need over the next few months - at work and at home.
I currently have availability for five new coaching clients, and I’d love to chat about whether you could be one of them.
Book a discovery meeting today and let’s get started on your Spring recovery plan.